Are you stuck for ideas for fun, successful fundraising schemes to support Sparrow Schools?
Perhaps you can gain inspiration from the staff and pupils at King’s College School (KCS), Wimbledon. Over the last seven years, KCS’s Modern Foreign Languages Department have supported Sparrow Schools Foundation through their annual French Culture Quiz. This year, they raised £2,215 from the famous ‘French Culture Quiz’.
So how does a French Culture Quiz raise so much money?
Ted Lougher – Head of Modern Foreign Languages at KCS explains:
During the summer holidays, all pupils entering their final year at KCS (96 boys aged 12-13) are given a sixty-question quiz paper on French culture (Geography, History, Food & Drink, Idioms, Sport, Famous Faces etc.). They have the summer break to learn the answers to these questions and raise as many sponsorship pledges as possible (e.g. 50p per correct answer) and then in September KCS issue the quiz under exam conditions, with no notes allowed. When the boys receive their marks, they go back to their sponsors to collect their sponsorship money. This year four boys got 60/60 in the quiz and three boys managed to raise over £100.
On Wednesday 7th December 2017, two teachers from South Africa, Norval Petersen and Kagiso Magano visited KCS. During the school’s morning assembly, Norval, Science Teacher at Sparrow, explained that the money raised by the boy’s French Quiz would be spent on scientific equipment — the pupils at Sparrow Schools, in Johannesburg, currently have limited access to these kinds of resources. Kagiso, English and Music Teacher at Sparrow, showed photos of the children from Johannesburg playing on the new musical equipment (drums and marimbas), which were purchased with the money donated by KCS in 2015. He explained how the equipment is used to help children who have experienced trauma and require therapy. After the assembly, the teachers spent time in the lessons meeting the KCS boys. Everyone was completely enraptured as they heard about Norval and Kagiso’s experiences at Sparrow Schools in South Africa.
Kagiso Magano, George Marsh (Founder of Sparrow School Foundation), Ann Marsh, Norval Petersen.
If your school would like to give back and support children with learning difficulties from disadvantaged backgrounds in Johannesburg, you can support the Bursary Scheme. £750 for three years will fund a bursary for a selected pupil at Sparrow. These bursaries are for young people who cannot pay basic school fees and receive no support from family members, government or other charities.
Please contact for further information and projects to support.